captcha traffic lights


Captcha: Traffic Lights

Challenge: Identify the Traffic Lights

Instructions: In this Captcha challenge, you are required to identify the different traffic lights correctly. Study the images provided below and select the ones that contain traffic lights. Please make sure to click on all the images that match the criteria. Your accuracy will determine whether you are a human or a bot!

[Here are several images depicting different scenarios with traffic lights:]

Image 1: [Shows an intersection with traffic lights]
Image 2: [Shows a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights]
Image 3: [Shows a roadwork area with temporary traffic lights]
Image 4: [Shows a highway interchange with traffic lights]
Image 5: [Shows a city street with traffic lights]

[Checkbox options to choose from:]

- [ ] Image 1

- [ ] Image 2

- [ ] Image 3

- [ ] Image 4

- [ ] Image 5

[Submit Button]

Note: The Captcha may contain more images depending on the complexity and variation of the scenarios. Users will be required to select all images containing traffic lights before submitting the form.